Understanding Winter Dormancy in Carnivorous Plants

Understanding Winter Dormancy in Carnivorous Plants

Understanding Winter Dormancy in Carnivorous Plants

If you're new to carnivorous plants, it's essential to understand what to expect during the colder months. Many species need a winter rest period to store energy for the upcoming growing season. In South Africa, our distinct seasons mean these plants naturally know when to go dormant if grown in natural light

A Quick Overview: What To Expect During Winter Dormancy?

Venus Flytraps

Winter vs summer - venus fly trap cv Whale

As daylight shortens in autumn, trap formation tapers. The plant will appear much smaller (about 1/4 size) during dormancy (May to October) as it stores energy in the rhizome. Tiny "ground hugging" traps may still form, but the plant remains largely inactive until spring

Venus flytrap preparing for winter dormancy


Trumpet Pitcher Plants

Tall summer pitchers will die off partially or entirely. These plants are trimmed back during dormancy, leaving phyllodia (winter leaves) for photosynthesis. New growth begins around September to October, leading to bigger pitchers by November

Carnivorous sarracenia Trumpet pitcher plants winter dormancy

Tropical Pitcher Plants

Growth slows, and most pitchers die off. New foliage and pitcher formation begin in September to October

Temperate Sundews and Butterworts

These plants die back to a hibernacula (winter bud), showing no visible growth above soil level. New growth emerges as temperatures rise and days lengthen in spring

Mexican Butterworts

Most lose their large carnivorous leaves during winter, producing tight rosettes of non-carnivorous leaves. Flowering typically occurs in late winter to early spring

Comparison Winter dormancy vs summer growth in mexican pinguicula * carnivorous butterworts


Terrestrial varieties will only show green leaves during winter and typically flower in warmer months

Buying Plants in Winter

During winter dormancy (May to October), we sell temperate plants as dormant rhizomes, winter bulbs or bare root plants with trimmed pitchers. This results in smaller appearances but prepares them for optimal growth in spring

Shipping During Dormancy

Shipping dormant plants reduces stress and helps them settle into new environments more easily

For those who prefer to see our plants in person, visit our all season display garden at Strawberry Pot nursery in Centurion or shop online anytime! If you have questions, feel free to reach out via email or WhatsApp