Source: All credit to the author: Jeff Dallas - Sarracenia Northwest
- Mold or fungi can cause diseases on plants or create problems on growing media
- Prevention is always better than cure thus start with good plant hygiene:
- Clip dead leaves for a cleaner plant and ensure good air circulation
- Terrariums in particular can promote mold and fungi growth so keep a close eye on your plants to detect issues early
- From time to time though, it may become necessary to use a fungicide to either treat an active infection or as a preventative measure especially during wintertime
- If you're new to fungicidal treatment of carnivorous plants, we always recommend testing the product on a small area of the plant first (or one that you are not afraid to lose) to determine how toxic it will be for that particular plant
- Apply fungicides to plants during the early evening (out of direct sunlight) to prevent burning
- When going to the store or plant nursery, learn to read the labels
- We are not endorsing any specific brand, thus we left out the brand names and mentioned the active ingredient for each instead
- Fungicides tested on safety for carnivorous plants:
- Sulphur based fungicides
- Topical fungicide for general prevention
- Both the ready mix or powder form works well
- Good as a preventative measure preparing for dormancy, especially when you'll be keeping plants undercover during wintertime
- Perfect for propagation trays, seeds and seedlings to avoid fungal growth
- Has a long residual effect and prevents mold from growing
- Shake well before use as the sulphur tend to accumulate at the bottom
- Dry powder sulphur may either be mixed with water as directed or sprinkled over seed trays
- Neem Extract
- Topical Fungicide for active infection
- Organic product that acts as both a fungicidal and insecticidal product
- Foul odour so spray your plants outdoors
- Dissipate and wear off a little quicker than sulphur but safe for most carnivorous plants if used as directed
- Tebuconazole
- Systemic fungicide for general treatment of infected plants
- Dealing with plants that are infected such as Botrytis (a gray powdery mold that grows on leaves) and causing damage you may want to consider something a little stronger and systemic
- Gets absorbed into the plant tissue to limit further damage
- Toxic in larger quantities so make sure to use as directed and follow the safety precautions on the package
- Chlorothalonil
- Topical fungicide for active infection
- Perfect for cephalotus that has been infected by powdery mildew
- Generally quite a thick suspension and tend to stay on leaves longer and do not wash off easily thus a earbud may be necessary to treat hard to reach places on the plants
- What to avoid:
- Avoid copper based fungicides, as copper is toxic to carnivorous plants
- Avoid bacteria (Bacillus Subtilis) forms of fungicides
- These are mostly organic and safe to use around people, animals and edible plants, but avoid treating carnivorous plants, especially sundews
- General disinfectants containing quantaray ammonium or demethyl benzyl ammonium chloride
- may prove useful for seed propagation trays but this compound has proven to cause severe chemical burn especially on sundews and butterworts
- How to apply:
- Some fungicides are toxic
- Always follow the safety measurements as directed by the manufacturer, and mix as directed
- Sundews are generally very sensitive to chemicals, focus on crown of the plant and try and avoid the sticky dew drops
- For other carnivorous plants, spray the plant liberally and ensure complete saturation
- Pay special attention to the crown of the plant
- General uses:
- May be used on sarracenia as a preventative measure before winter dormancy
- Temperate sundews creates a winter bud called a hibernicula that is prone to botrytis attacks during winter time
- Terrarium plants tend to suffer from mold on the soil that may spread to the plant, use a sulphur based fungicide to treat and limit the spread
** Insecticides & Fungicides are sold exclusively online via our website **